oral health

Mouthwash is used to help rinse away bacteria or food particles after you brush and floss each day. Using mouthwash is an additional way to help protect your teeth and gums. Knowing the differences between mouthwashes can help you choose the right one to incorporate into your oral hygiene routine.

What Are The Different Types of Mouthwashes Available?

Mouthwash With Fluoride

Fluoride mouthwash contain sodium fluoride, and this helps to protect your teeth from decay and cavities. Fluoride is also found in toothpaste and is added to our tap water. Only using the required amount each day is important because too much fluoride can be harmful to your health. Reading the labels can help to ensure you are only using the appropriate amount that is recommended daily.

Antiseptic Mouthwash

Antiseptic mouthwash is the most common mouthwash used by most patients. This type of mouthwash contains alcohol and can help to stop bacteria in its tracks. Using an antiseptic mouthwash can help fight bad breath, and prevent infections. Patients must be careful using this type of mouthwash. Overuse can lead to stains or discoloration on your teeth. Following the recommended daily guidelines is important to keep your teeth and mouth healthy.

Cosmetic Mouthwash

This type of mouthwash is used to only freshen your breath. Cosmetic mouthwash does not do anything to help with your oral health. Using this type of mouthwash can help rinse food particles away, and is a temporary solution for bad breath.

Natural Mouthwash

Natural mouthwash is a common type of mouthwash that helps keep bacteria away and freshens your breath, but contains only natural ingredients. Natural mouthwash brands do not contain alcohol, and the ingredients are safer compared to other types of mouthwashes available.

During your routine cleaning it is important to discuss what products you are using at home including your mouthwash. Our team is available to access your dental health, and recommend the best mouthwash for you to use at home.

Interested in Finding Out More?

During your routine cleaning it is important to discuss what products you are using at home including your mouthwash. Our team is available to access your dental health, and recommend the best mouthwash for you to use at home.

If you are interested in finding out more about what mouthwash may be best for you, or to schedule your next exam, contact our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

Female Patient In Dentist Office Afraid Of Doctor, Dentist

Oral health is extremely important for many reasons. If patients suffer from gum disease, cavities, or bad breath this can cause issues with your teeth and mouth. Our mouths are a pathway for bacteria to enter the body. The bacteria are able to enter the blood stream, and this can also cause infection or inflammation in other parts of our body.

Taking good care of your teeth and mouth can keep your body healthy, and can also help avoid serious issues in the future. At Miller Dental’s dental office in Fulshear, TX, we encourage our patients to practice good oral hygiene habits at home. We also promote overall health and wellness. Our team cares about each patient, and keeping up with your oral health not only can keep your teeth and mouth feeling great, but your body feeling great also.

What Problems Can Occur From Poor Oral Health?

Respiratory Infections

If you have infected or inflamed gums that bacteria can transfer into the lungs. This can lead to respiratory infections, pneumonia, or even bronchitis.


Inflamed gums can release substances that are harmful to our brain cells. This can lead to memory loss that is a result of bacteria spreading to the nerves.

Cardiovascular Disease

If you have poor oral health you are at risk for cardiovascular disease. The bacteria from the infected gums enters the bloodstream, and can cause the arteries to build up plaque. This can put you at risk for a heart attack.

Prostate Problems

If men suffer from periodontal disease they may have prostatitis. This condition causes irritation and other prostate related problems.


Diabetics are more likely to have infected gums over those that do not have diabetes. This can make diabetes difficult to control due to unregulated blood sugar levels. Gum disease can lead to higher blood sugar levels and this can put a person at risk for developing diabetes.


Poor oral health and infertility in women are linked. If a woman suffers from gum disease this can lead to issues with infertility, and may make it difficult for a woman to conceive or have a healthy pregnancy.


Poor oral health can put patients at risk for kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, or blood cancer. In addition if patients smoke or use tobacco products this can lead to oral or throat cancers.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

People who have gum disease are more likely to have Rheumatoid Arthritis. The bacteria in our mouths can increase inflammation in the body, and this increases the risk for developing Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a health problem that affects the kidneys, heart, bones, and blood pressure. Periodontal disease can lead to kidney disease. Patients with gum disease typically have weaker immune systems, and this can make them susceptible to infection. Many patients that have poor oral health also have kidney disease, and this can lead to kidney failure if not treated.

How Can I Prevent These Health Issues?

In order to prevent serious health issues caused by bad oral health habits you must take care of your oral health. Scheduling regular dental exams in our office can help keep your teeth and gums clean, and get in front of any issues before they arise. Dr. Brody Miller’s team always put our patients first, and complete a thorough exam of your teeth and mouth to ensure everything is looking and feeling great. If we do have concerns, we will discuss those with you and develop a customized treatment plan to take care of any issues right away.

Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

  • Brush and floss your teeth daily
  • Avoid smoking or using any tobacco products
  • Use mouthwash that contains fluoride
  • Try and stay away from food and drinks that contain lots of sugar
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Exercise and take care of your overall health

If you take care of your oral health, you take care of your body. Good oral hygiene can help prevent problems such as gingivitis or periodontal disease, as well as prevent more serious health issues in your body.

Looking for a Family Dentist Near You?

At Miller Dental, we provide the highest level of dental care for patients of all ages. We welcome all new patients, and use state of the art technology to ensure our patients have an exceptional experience when visiting our office.

If you are looking for a dentist in Fulshear, TX, contact Miller Dental to schedule your next dental exam and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!


Snacking is an activity we all do and what we choose to snack on is important. Snacks that are full of sugar such as candy or cake may taste good, but are not good for our teeth. In addition to the sugar these types of snacks contain large amounts of fat. Sugary snacks if eaten regularly can cause tooth decay. At Miller Dental in Fulshear, TX, we provide our patients with guidelines for healthy eating, and always promote healthy choices to keep teeth free of harmful bacteria.

How Can Sugary Snacks Impact My Teeth?

Our mouths contain bacteria, and this bacteria forms a sticky material called plaque. The plaque sticks on or in-between our teeth and this can cause decay. When sugary snacks are eaten the bacteria in the mouth gravitates towards the sugar, and turns the sugar into acids. This acid can damage the hard enamel that covers our teeth, and cause cavities to begin to develop. Staying away from snacks or foods filled with sugar can help keep the bacteria in your mouth from producing the acid that causes decay.

How Should I Choose A Healthy Snack?

When you have that urge to snack take a minute to ask yourself if the snack you chose contains sugar. If it does, you may want to choose another snack that would be healthier for your teeth. Staying away from gooey sweets or snacks that are very chewy is a good rule of thumb. These types of snacks can stick to the surface of your teeth and take longer to remove, exposing your teeth to sugar longer. If you do choose to eat sweets, it may be best to save that type of snack for after a main meal instead of having that snack between meals.

Dr. Brody Miller works to teach our pediatric and adult patients the benefits of healthy eating. Taking care of our oral health not only includes brushing or flossing, but it includes making healthy eating choices. Staying away from snacks full of sugar can help prevent cavities, and keep your teeth looking and feeling great. Brushing your teeth after eating a sweet with a fluoride toothpaste can remove any harmful bacteria that may cause cavities if left on our teeth.

What Types of Snacks Are a Good Choice?

There are many good tasting and healthy shacks on the market today that are less harmful to our teeth and body. Sticking to snacks that are lower in sugar can help protect our teeth from decay or other diseases. Choosing foods like fruits or vegetables, and crackers or bread are good choices. It may be helpful to make a healthy food list that you pick from when snacking or eating. This can help you make good choices and stay away from those harmful sugary foods.

What Types of Snacks Are a Good Choice?

Here are some healthy snacks that can promote good oral health:

Fresh Vegetables of Fruits

  • Oranges
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Grapefruit
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes


  • Unsweetened cereals
  • Popcorn
  • Bread
  • Bagels
  • Pasta
  • Crackers

Milk and Dairy Products

  • Low or non-fat milk
  • Low or non-fat cheese
  • Low or non-fat yogurt

Meat, Nuts, Seeds

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Nuts

Are You Looking for a Dentist Near You?

Many foods or snacks are harmful to our teeth and body. Our dentist in Fulshear, TX cares about the overall health of each patient, and always promotes healthy snacking and eating. Checking the label and sugar content can help you make the right decision for healthy snacking. Choosing a variety of foods from the basic food groups can help you eat a balanced diet, and keep your teeth looking and feeling healthy. Brushing and flossing daily as well as attending your regular dental exams in our office can help keep your oral health in check. Our team at Miller Dental works diligently to not only care for your teeth, but care for your overall health.

If you are looking for a dentist near you, our team is happy to help. To get more information or to schedule your dental exam, contact Dr. Brody Miller in Fulshear, TX and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!